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Northern Mansi




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о̄с (ōs) (Sosva, Upper Lozva)

  1. again
  2. too, also
    Synonym: аквтох (akvtoh)

Derived terms


See also




о̄с (ōs)(Sosva)

  1. sheep
  2. ewe


Inflection of о̄с (ōs)
singular dual plural
nominative о̄с (ōs) о̄сыг (ōsyg) о̄сыт (ōsyt)
locative о̄ст (ōst) о̄сыгт (ōsygt) о̄сытт (ōsytt)
lative о̄сн (ōsn) о̄сыгн (ōsygn) о̄сытн (ōsytn)
ablative о̄сныл (ōsnyl) о̄сыгныл (ōsygnyl) о̄сытныл (ōsytnyl)
instrumental о̄сыл (ōsyl) о̄сыгныл (ōsygnyl) о̄сытыл (ōsytyl)
translative о̄сыг (ōsyg) ―― ――
caritive о̄ста̄л (ōstāl) ―― ――
Possessive forms of о̄с (ōs)
possessor single possession double possession multiple possession
1st person sing. о̄сум (ōsum) о̄сагум (ōsagum) о̄санум (ōsanum)
2rd person sing. о̄сын (ōsyn) о̄сагын (ōsagyn) о̄сан (ōsan)
3rd person sing. о̄сэ (ōsè) о̄саге (ōsage) о̄санэ (ōsanè)
1st person dual о̄сме̄н (ōsmēn) о̄сагаме̄н (ōsagamēn) о̄санаме̄н (ōsanamēn)
2rd person dual о̄сы̄н (ōsȳn) о̄сагы̄н (ōsagȳn) о̄саны̄н (ōsanȳn)
3rd person dual о̄сэ̄ (ōsè̄) о̄саге̄н (ōsagēn) о̄санэ̄н (ōsanè̄n)
1st person plural о̄сув (ōsuv) о̄сагув (ōsaguv) о̄санув (ōsanuv)
2rd person plural о̄сы̄н (ōsȳn) о̄сагы̄н (ōsagȳn) о̄саны̄н (ōsanȳn)
3rd person plural о̄саныл (ōsanyl) о̄сага̄ныл (ōsagānyl) о̄са̄ныл (ōsānyl)


  • Rombandejeva, Je. I., Kuzakova, Je. A. (1982) Slovarʹ mansijsko-russkij i russko-mansijskij [曼西語-俄語和俄語-曼西語詞典], Leningrad: Prosveščenije
  • о̄с”, in Northern Mansi-Hungarian dictionary, Tromsø: University of Tromsø, 2023
  • E. I. Rombandejeva (2005) Русско-Мансийский словарь (Е. Ромбандеева) [Russian-Mansi Dictionary (E. Rombandeeva)]‎[1], Saint-Petersburg: ООО "Миралл", →ISBN, page 171
  • Dellert, J., Daneyko, T., Münch, A. et al. Lang Resources & Evaluation (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10579-019-09480-6 (NorthEuraLex version 0.9)
  • Mansi dictionary of Munkácsi and Kálmán [2]