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Appendix:Northern Mansi pronunciation

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary

The charts below show how the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is used to represent Northern Mansi pronunciations in Wiktionary entries.


IPA Letter Example English approx.
b б бур [bur] (drill) bean
w or β в ва̄т [waːt] (thirty) weather
ɡ г газета [gazeta] (newspaper) gear
ɣ са̄гла [saːɣla] (splinter)
d д доклад [doklad] (report) dog
ʒ ж художественный [xudoʒestwennij] (art) leisure
z з завод [zawod] (factory) zoo
j й йӣв [jiːw] (tree) year
k к кāсыӈ [kaːsəŋ] (which) culture
l л лӯпта [luːpta] (leaf) liver
m м ма̄ньлат [maːnʲlat] (young) mouse
n н на̄й [naːj] (fire) no
ŋ ӈ ме̄тыӈ [meːtiŋ] (valuable) thing
p п пēс [peːs] (old) portion
r р рӯпата [ruːpata] (job)
s с сӯп [suːp] (mouth) sea
t т тав [taw] (he/she) televison
f ф Финляндия [finlʲandija] (Finland) Finland
x х халт [xalt] (among)
t͡s ц пӯльница [puːlʲnʲt͡sa] (hospital) tsunami
t͡ʃ ч Качанова [Kat͡ʃanowa] church
ʃ ш школа [ʃkola] (school) sheet
ɕ щ щё̄ри [ɕoːri] (flower)


IPA Letter Example English approx.
a а ань [anʲ] (now)
а̄ āмп [aːmp] (dog) father
ja я яныг [janəɣ] (big)
jaː я̄ я̄ӈк [jaːŋk] (white, ice)
e е вāнтлаӈкве [waːntlaŋkʷe] (change)
э са̄т атыт хо̄талэ [saːt atit xoːtale] (Friday)
э̄ э̄типа̄ла [eːtʲipaːla] (evening)
je е
jeː ē ēмтуӈкве [jeːmtuŋkʷe] (become)
jo ё ёмас [jomas] (good, right)
jo: ё̄ ё̄рнкол [joːrnkol] (yurt)
ɪ ы [1] сасыг [sasɪɣ] (uncle)
i и йиӈкве [jiŋkʷe] (to become) bit
ы [2] лылы [lili] (breath)
ӣ вӣльт [wiːlʲt] (face)
ы̄ вы̄гыр [wiːɣər] (red)
o о войкан [wojkan] (white) old
о̄ вōт [woːt] (wind)
u у туп [tup] (only) bull
ӯ тӯйт [tuːjt] (snow) tool
ɞ̝ у [3] тотэ̄гум [toteːɣɞ̝ m] (I bring)
ə ы [4] маныр [manər] (what)
я талях [talʲəx] (top, peak)

Letter combinations

IPA Letter Example English approx.
ль хультум [xulʲtɞ̝m] (gone, outdated)
ли [5] Са̄литэлн! [Saːlʲiteln] (Excuse me!, Sorry!)[6]
нь мāнь [maːnʲ] (small)
ни [5] нила [nʲila] (four)
ть область [oblasc] (county)
ти [5] пити [pitʲi] (nest)
ɕ сь а̄гирись [aːɣiriɕ] (girl)
си [5] ма̄ньси [maːnʲɕi] (mansi)
кв о̄луӈкве [oːluŋkʷe] (to be)
ŋ нг ёнгуӈкве [joŋuŋkʷe] (to play)
  1. ^ If used before the letter г.
  2. ^ It is pronounced [i] when it's the last letter of a word, or when in the first syllable of the word.
  3. ^ The [ə] here, turns into [ɞ̝ ] when written before any bilabial consonants.
  4. ^ It is pronounced [ə] when in the last syllable of the word, exceptions are compound words, for example: эрыӈпыл [erəŋpil] and сольпыл [solʲpil] (because пыл [pil] is another word), and suffixed word like атыт since the suffix is -ыт | [-it]
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 This refers to other letters like я, ю, е, ё and long variants of them
  6. ^ The use of the word "sorry" in the Mansi language is a very fresh Russian influence. Traditionally, the Mansi does not apologize.

Other symbols

IPA Letter Indicates
◌ʲ ь Palatalization
◌. ъ


  • Mansi alphabet
  • Phonology of Northern Mansi
  • Susanna S. Virtanen, Csilla Horváth, Tamara Merova (2021) Pohjoismansin peruskurssin (5 op) [Northern Mansi basic course] (POHJOISMANSIN PERUSKURSSI)‎[1], Helsinki: Helsingin yliopisto, page 10
  • Bradley, Jeremy, Skribnik, Elena (2021) The many writing systems of Mansi : challenges in transcription and transliteration[2], page 5