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Old Church Slavonic


Alternative forms




From Proto-Slavic *načęti.



начѧти (načętipf

  1. to begin
    • from Vita Methodii, 0501200-0501210:
      начатъ же пакꙑ съ покоръмь повиноуѧ сѧ слоужити философоу и оучити съ нимь.
      načatŭ že paky sŭ pokorŭmĭ povinuję sę služiti filosofu i učiti sŭ nimĭ.
      Once again he began to serve the philosopher in humble obedience, and to teach with him.
    • from the Homily against the Bogumils, lines 98-99:
      мьнѣ же наченъшоу обличати словеса ихъ и вещи
      mĭně že načenŭšu obličati slovesa ixŭ i vešti
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)



Derived terms


Further reading
