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From наки́нути (nakýnuty) +‎ -ся (-sja). Compare Russian наки́нуться (nakínutʹsja), Belarusian накі́нуцца (nakínucca).


  • IPA(key): [nɐˈkɪnʊtesʲɐ]
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наки́нутися (nakýnutysjapf (imperfective накида́тися) [with на (na, + accusative)]

  1. to pounce (on), to descend upon, to fall upon, to set upon, to go for (to attack)
    Соба́ка наки́нувся на ме́не.Sobáka nakýnuvsja na méne.The dog pounced on/went for me.
  2. to throw oneself into (to engage heartily in; to get fully involved in)
  3. to pounce (on), to jump on (to eagerly seize; to avail oneself of without delay)
    Вони наки́нулися на ї́жу.Vony nakýnulysja na jížu.They pounced on the food.
  4. (colloquial) to jump on, to jump all over, to come down on (to attack verbally, to criticize or reproach)
  5. (colloquial) to pounce (on), to descend upon (to accost importunately)
  6. passive of наки́нути pf (nakýnuty)





Further reading
