[edit]лӏыгъэкӏэ • (lˢʼəğɛkʼɛ)
- barely
- Кӏалэм лӏыгъэкӏэ къештэ анэ инэр ― Kʼalɛm lˢʼəğɛkʼɛ qeštɛ anɛ jinɛr ― The boy barely holds up the large table.
- With great difficulty
- Кӏалэм лӏыгъэкӏэ мыжъор мэу къихьэгъ ― Kʼalɛm lˢʼəğɛkʼɛ məžʷor mɛwu qiḥɛğ ― The boy with great difficulty brought the stone.
- Лӏыгъэкӏэ уӏузгъэкӏыну уфая?
- Lˢʼəğɛkʼɛ wuʼwuzğɛkʼənu wufaja?
- Do you want me to make you go away by force?