[edit]лэжьэн • (lɛźɛn) (intransitive)
- to work
- Кӏалэр мафэм мэлажьэ ― Kʼalɛr mafɛm mɛlaźɛ ― The boy is working in the day.
- Кӏалэр лӏым фэлажьэ ― Kʼalɛr lˢʼəm fɛlaźɛ ― The boy is working for the man.
- Кӏалэр къэсфэлажьэ ― Kʼalɛr qɛsfɛlaźɛ ― The boy is working for me.
- Кӏалэр мэлэжьэрагъоп нэпэ ― Kʼalɛr mɛlɛźɛrağʷop nɛpɛ ― The boy don't want to work today.
- Лӏыхэмэ сафэлажьэ ― Lˢʼəxɛmɛ safɛlaźɛ ― I am working for the men.
- Сафэлажьэ ― Safɛlaźɛ ― I am working for them.
- Уысфэлажьэ ― Wəsfɛlaźɛ ― I am working for you.
- Уыкъэсфэлажьэ ― Wəqɛsfɛlaźɛ ― You are working for me.
- to function, to work
- Мащинэр къэлажьа? ― Maśinɛr qɛlaźa? ― Is the car working?
See also
[edit]лэжьэн • (lɛźɛn)
- to work