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  • IPA(key): [zɫoopotrɛˈbʲa̟vɐm]
  • Audio:(file)



злоупотребя́вам (zloupotrebjávam) first-singular present indicativeimpf (perfective злоупотребя́)

  1. (intransitive) to abuse, to misuse (to make improper use of)
    злоупотребявам с алкохол/наркотици
    zloupotrebjavam s alkohol/narkotici
    to abuse alcohol/drugs
    Тя злоупотребяваше с поста си на директор като даваше работа на приятелите си.
    Tja zloupotrebjavaše s posta si na direktor kato davaše rabota na prijatelite si.
    She abused her position as principal by giving jobs to her friends.
  2. (intransitive) to take advantage of, to exploit
    Synonym: възползвам се (vǎzpolzvam se)
    Тя злоупотреби с щедростта ми.
    Tja zloupotrebi s štedrostta mi.
    She took advantage of my generosity.
  3. (intransitive) to misappropriate, to defalcate
    Synonym: присвоявам (prisvojavam)

