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Learned borrowing from Ancient Greek γράμματα (grámmata). Compare Russian гра́мота (grámota).





гра́мата (hrámataf inan (genitive гра́маты, nominative plural гра́маты, genitive plural гра́мат, relational adjective гра́матны)

  1. literacy (the ability to read and write)
    Synonym: пісьме́ннасць (pisʹmjénnascʹ)
  2. honorary printed certificate of achievement
    • 1989, Ніна Маеўская, Холад доннай вады, Мінск: Мастацкая літаратура, page 184:
      Гэ́лечцы да́лі гра́мату. Там, на сцэ́не, яна́ ўсміха́лася сваёю чароўнаю белазу́баю ўсме́шкаю, кры́шку мане́рна, нібы́ арты́стка ківа́ла галавою, дзя́куючы за воплескі. Ах, вялі́кая арты́стка! А ў се́ктары яна́ шпурну́ла гра́мату, гэ́ту — як яна́ назва́ла — «нікчэ́мную папе́рку», разрыда́лася: «другі́м па тры́ццаць рублёў да́лі, а мне гэ́ту нікчэ́мную папе́рку, хай возьме яе сабе́, бу́дзе што за труною не́сці».
      Hélječcy dáli hrámatu. Tam, na scénje, janá ŭsmixálasja svajóju čaróŭnaju bjelazúbaju ŭsmjéškaju, krýšku manjérna, nibý artýstka kivála halavóju, dzjákujučy za vópljeski. Ax, vjalíkaja artýstka! A ŭ sjéktary janá špurnúla hrámatu, hétu — jak janá nazvála — “nikčémnuju papjérku”, razrydálasja: “druhím pa trýccacʹ rubljóŭ dáli, a mnje hétu nikčémnuju papjérku, xaj vózʹmje jaje sabjé, búdzje što za trunóju njésci”.
      Helečka was given an honorary paper certificate. There, on the stage, she was smiling her charming white-toothed smile, nodding her head with a bit of mannerism like an actress, thanking everyone for the applause. Such a great performer! But back at her department she hurled the certificate away, calling it a "worthless piece of paper", and burst into tears: "the others were given thirty rubles each, but I got this worthless piece of paper, he'd better take it for himself, at least that'd be something to show off at his funeral."
    • 2006, Беларускі гістарычны часопіс[1], 12/2006, Мінск:
      У бягу́чым годзе прэ́міямі адзна́чаны 35 студэ́нтаў, акрамя́ таго, многія атрыма́лі гра́маты і падзя́кі.
      U bjahúčym hódzje prémijami adznáčany 35 studéntaŭ, akramjá tahó, mnóhija atrymáli hrámaty i padzjáki.
      In the current year, 35 students have been honored with monetary awards, besides that, many received honorary paper certificates and words of gratitude.
  3. (obsolete) letter (a written or printed communication)
    Synonyms: ліст (list), пісьмо́ (pisʹmó)

Usage notes


The difference from сертыфіка́т is that гра́мата is usually only a purely symbolic token of recognition, has no real practical value and holds no legal weight.




  • грамата” in Belarusian–Russian dictionaries and Belarusian dictionaries at slounik.org
  • грамата”, in Skarnik's Belarusian dictionary (in Belarusian), based on Kandrat Krapiva's Explanatory Dictionary of the Belarusian Language (1977-1984)