[edit]гощын • (gʷośən)
- to distribute
- Гъомылапхъэр гощын
- Ğʷoməlapꭓɛr gʷośən
- To distribute food.
- Сиянэ мыехэр къетфеугощы
- Sijanɛ məjexɛr qetfewugʷośə
- My mother spreads the apples for us.
- Кӏалэм ахъщэ еугощы
- Kʼalɛm aꭓśɛ jewugʷośə
- The boy spreads money.
- Картыхэр къэугощых
- Kartəxɛr qɛwugʷośəx
- Distribute the cards.
- to divide
- Лӏым ичӏыгу икӏалэхэм ауфиугощыгъ
- Lˢʼəm jiĉʼəgʷu jikʼalɛxɛm awufiwugʷośəğ
- The man divided his land to his boys.
- Пчъагъэр пчъагъэкӏэ гощыныр
- Pĉağɛr pĉağɛkʼɛ gʷośənər
- To divided number with number.
- to split
- Мыер тӏу гощ
- Məjer tʷʼu gʷoś
- Split the apple to two.
- Уӏэкӏэ уугощышъущта пхъэр?
- Wuʼɛkʼɛ wuwugʷośəšʷuśta pꭓɛr?
- can you split the wood with your hands?
- Томым пхъэр еугощы
- Toməm pꭓɛr jewugʷośə
- Tom splits the wood.
- Мыер тӏу угощи кӏалитӏум ет
- Məjer tʷʼu wugʷośi kʼalitʷʼum jet
- Split the apple into two and give them to the two boys.
[edit]See also
[edit]- тегощэн (tegʷośɛn) (to distribute between)