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Old Church Slavonic




From въ () + стати (stati).



въстати (vŭstatipf

  1. to rise up, stand up
    • lines 1-9, from the Primary Chronicle:
      и въста родъ на родъ, и быша в нихъ усобицѣ, и воевати почаша сами на ся.
      i vŭsta rodŭ na rodŭ, i byša v nixŭ usobicě, i vojevati počaša sami na sja.
      And clan rose against clan, and there was discord among them, and they began to wage war against one another.
    • from the Life of Wenceslas:
      разгордѣша же мꙋжи чесъскꙑ и въсташа на сѧ.
      razgorděša že muži česŭsky i vŭstaša na sę.
      But Czech men waxed proud and rose against one another.

