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Бог не выдаст, свинья не съест

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Alternative forms

    • 1836, Александр Пушкин, “Глава VI. Пугачёвщина”, in Капитанская дочка, London: Henry S. King & Co.; English translation from Ekaterina Telfer, transl., The Captain's Daughter, 1875:
      — И, матушка! — отвечал Иван Игнатьич. — Бог милостив: солдат у нас довольно, пороху много, пушку я вычистил. Авось дадим отпор Пугачёву. Господь не выдаст, свинья не съест!
      — I, matuška! — otvečal Ivan Ignatʹič. — Bog milostiv: soldat u nas dovolʹno, poroxu mnogo, pušku ja vyčistil. Avosʹ dadim otpor Pugačóvu. Gospodʹ ne vydast, svinʹja ne sʺjest!
      "Well, my little mother!" answered Ivan Ignatitch, "God is merciful. We have a pretty good number of soldiers, plenty of powder, and I have cleaned out the gun. We may yet repulse Pougatcheff. If God does not forsake us, the pig will not eat us!"



Likely derived from an apocryphal Nativity story: when newborn Jesus was in the manger, a horse helped cover him in hay to hide him from Herod's men, while a pig tried to uncover him.

Literally, if God doesn't give us up, a pig won't eat us.


  • IPA(key): [box nʲɪ‿ˈvɨdəst | svʲɪˈnʲja nʲɪ‿ˈsjest] (phonetic respelling: Бох не вы́даст, свинья́ не съест)



Бог не вы́даст, свинья́ не съест (Box ne výdast, svinʹjá ne sʺjest)

  1. never say die and hope for the best (expressing hope that one will find one's way out of a difficult or dangerous situation)
    • 1930, Г. А. Соломон, Среди красных вождей:
      Приготовься ― Бог не вы́даст, свинья́ не съест. Пиши о всех затруднениях и держи меня, по возможности, в курсе всех твоих шагов.
      Prigotovʹsja ― Box ne výdast, svinʹjá ne sʺjest. Piši o vsex zatrudnenijax i derži menja, po vozmožnosti, v kurse vsex tvoix šagov.
      Be prepared; never say die and hope for the best. Write to me about any problems and keep me, whenever possible, informed about all your steps.