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Contraction of a kişi!. Compare az, ədə, ala which are also contractions.


  • IPA(key): [ˈæʃ(ː)i]
  • Audio:(file)




  1. In questions and imperatives: imparts a note of insistence and urgency: ever, on earth, for goodness' sake
    Əşi, gəl çıx da!
    Hurry up for goodness' sake!
  2. modal particle indicating dismissal because the proposition is excessive or should not be taken too seriously, or that the speaker can't be bothered
    Əşi, boş ver.
    Forget about it, ignore, let it go, it's not worth it.
    Bəlkə gedək onu razı salaq? - Əşi, özü bilər.
    Should we maybe go and try to convince him to change his mind? - Nah, let him decide for himself.
    İngilis dilini öyrənmək istəmirsən? - Əşi, onsuzda Google var da, nəyi lazımdır çevirir.
    -Don't you want to learn English? - Why bother? Google's got my back for any translations I need.

Further reading

  • əşi” in Obastan.com.