See also: Appendix:Variations of "esi"
[edit]Contraction of a kişi!. Compare az, ədə, ala which are also contractions.
- In questions and imperatives: imparts a note of insistence and urgency: ever, on earth, for goodness' sake
- Əşi, gəl çıx da!
- Hurry up for goodness' sake!
- modal particle indicating dismissal because the proposition is excessive or should not be taken too seriously, or that the speaker can't be bothered
- Əşi, boş ver.
- Forget about it, ignore, let it go, it's not worth it.
- Bəlkə gedək onu razı salaq? - Əşi, özü bilər.
- Should we maybe go and try to convince him to change his mind? - Nah, let him decide for himself.
- İngilis dilini öyrənmək istəmirsən? - Əşi, onsuzda Google var da, nəyi lazımdır çevirir.
- -Don't you want to learn English? - Why bother? Google's got my back for any translations I need.
Further reading
[edit]- “əşi” in Obastan.com.