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ſaͤtt n

  1. Obsolete typography of sätt (manners; way).
    • 1751 October 19, “Nyl. utkomna Boͤcker och tryckta Arbeten. [Newly published books and printed works.]”, in Stockholms Weckoblad, page 2:
      Wid thetta ſaͤttet at ſlaͤcka ſoteld, har man ej at frukta thet ſkorstenen ſkal ſpricka, ſåſom med wattn, ſkott och thylika wåldſamma medel ſke plaͤgar.
      With this method to extinguish chimney fire, one does not have to fear that the chimney will crack, as it tends to happen with water, shots, and such violent means.


Declension of ſaͤtt
nominative genitive
singular indefinite ſaͤtt ſaͤtts
definite ſaͤttet ſaͤttets
plural indefinite ſaͤtt ſaͤtts
definite ſaͤtten ſaͤttens