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onomatopoeic, see also šoustat, šourat.
šoupnout pf (imperfective šoupat)
- (transitive) to push
- Synonyms: postrčit, posunout, odtlačit
- Šoupni se! ― Move over!
- (transitive) to put, to slip, to shove
- Synonyms: strčit, vsunout, vložit
Chytil minci a šoupl si ji s úsměvem do kapsy.- He caught the coin and slipped it with a smile into his pocket.
Šoupli ho do basy.- He was put in jail.
- (reflexive with se) to slither
šoupnout, šoupnouti
Active adjective
Verbal noun
Passive adjective
The verb šoupnout does not have present tense and the present forms are used to express future only. |