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From īss (short) +‎ -ums.



īsums m (1st declension)

  1. (chiefly in the singular) shortness (the quality of that which is short)
    malkas šķilu īsumsthe shortness of a woodchip
    pasakas īsumsthe shortness, conciseness of the story
    ziemas dienu īsumsthe shortness of winter days
    sarunas īsumsthe shortness, conciseness of the conversation
    mūža īsumsthe shortness of life
    patskaņa īsumsvowel shortness (i.e., the quality of a short vowel)
  2. (locative singular, used adverbially) in short, briefly
    viņš īsumā pastāstīja savus piedzīvojumushe briefly (lit. in shortness) told his experiences


Declension of īsums (1st declension)
singular plural
nominative īsums
genitive īsuma
dative īsumam
accusative īsumu
instrumental īsumu
locative īsumā
vocative īsum