[edit]From īsts (“true, real, genuine”) + -ums.
[edit]īstums m (1st declension)
- realness, trueness, genuineness, authenticity (the quality of that which is real, true, genuine)
- pārbaudīt monētas īstumu ― to test a coin's authenticity (i.e., to check if it is a forgery)
- Vilis, labais, mīļais, laikam tomēr slepeni bija mocījies neziņā par viņas jūtu īstumu ― Vilis, the good, the darling, had maybe also tormented (her), not knowing about the trueness, genuineness of her feelings
- vajadzīga modrība pret dažādiem mākslas savārstījumiem bez dziļuma, īstuma un patiesas vērtības ― the necessary vigliance against some artistic verbiage without depth, genuineness and true value