- truly, really, genuinely, legitimately; adverbial form of īsts
- īsti vai pa jokam? ― really or jokingly (= is it really so, or are you kidding me)?
- kas viņš īsti ir? ― who is he, really (= without lies)?
- tikai tagad Ieva īsti apzinās, ko nozīmē dienas un mēneši bez Jorena ― only now did Ieva truly realize what days and months without Jorens means
- tad tu vis īsti vēl nezini, vai tevi mīlēju ― so you don't truly know if I loved you
- ja tev dzīve atstājusi brūci, / kas ar gadiem īsti negrib dzīt, / atceries, dod spēku tikai mīla ― if life left you a wound / that really doesn't want to heal with the years / remember: only love gives strength
- exactly, precisely
- laikam bija noticis kas nelāgs; bet kas īsti? ― maybe something bad had happened; but what exactly?
- vīri tīrumā bija ieraudzījuši ciemā ugunsgreku... bet nevarēja zināt, kur īsti deg ― the men in the field had seen a fire in the village... but they couldn't know where exactly it was burning
- padoma došana ir arī sava ziņā grūta un īsti tādiem cilvēkiem, kuri gandrīz ikkatru padomu pieņem ― giving advice is also somewhat difficult exactly for those people who take almost every advice
- really, very much, a lot, thoroughly
- dabūt īsti nostrādāties ― to get to really work (= work a lot)
- pa īstam ― really, a lot