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Skolt Sami




From Proto-Samic *čëkkijētēk.




  1. to flee, to escape


Contracted e-stem, no gradation
infinitive čõʹǩǩeed
1st sing. present čõʹǩǩääm
1st sing. past čõʹǩǩeem
infinitive čõʹǩǩeed
present participle čõʹǩǩeei
past participle čõʹǩǩääm
present indicative past indicative imperative
1st singular čõʹǩǩääm čõʹǩǩeem
2nd singular čõʹǩǩääk čõʹǩǩiiǩ čõʹǩǩed
3rd singular čõʹǩǩad čõʹǩǩii čõʹǩǩââǥǥas
1st plural čõʹǩǩeep čõʹǩǩiim čõʹǩǩâkap
2nd plural čõʹǩǩeʹped čõʹǩǩiid čõʹǩǩeʹǩed
3rd plural čõʹǩǩee čõʹǩǩee čõʹǩǩâkaz
4th person čõʹǩǩeet čõʹǩǩeeš
connegative čõʹǩǩed čõʹǩǩääm čõʹǩǩed
conditional potential
1st singular čõʹǩǩeʹčem čõʹǩǩeʹžem
2nd singular čõʹǩǩeʹčiǩ čõʹǩǩeʹžiǩ
3rd singular čõʹǩǩeʹči čõʹǩǩež
1st plural čõʹǩǩeʹčim čõʹǩǩeʹžep
2nd plural čõʹǩǩeʹčid čõʹǩǩeʹžid
3rd plural čõʹǩǩeʹče čõʹǩǩeʹže
4th person čõʹǩǩeʹčeš čõʹǩǩeʹžet
connegative čõʹǩǩeʹče čõʹǩǩeʹže

Further reading

  • Koponen, Eino, Ruppel, Klaas, Aapala, Kirsti, editors (2002–2008), Álgu database: Etymological database of the Saami languages[1], Helsinki: Research Institute for the Languages of Finland