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From zoccolare +‎ -io (frequentative).


  • IPA(key): */d͡zok.koˈli.o/, (traditional) */t͡sok.koˈli.o/[1]
  • Rhymes: -io
  • Hyphenation: zoc‧co‧lì‧o



zoccolio m (plural zoccoli)

  1. clatter (sound) of clogs
  2. the sound of an animal's hooves
    • 1969, Indro Montanelli, “Capitolo trentatreesimo: Nerone [Thirty-third chapter: Nero]”, in Storia di Roma [History of Rome], 46th edition, Milan, published 1973, page 388:
      Atterrito, afferrò un pugnale per immergerselo nel petto, ma prima ne provò la punta e trovò che ”faceva male”. Si decise a tagliarsi la gola, quando udì uno zoccolio di cavalli fuor della porta. Ma la mano gli tremò, e fu il suo segretario Epafrodito a guidargliela sulla carotide.
      Shocked, he [Nero] grabbed a knife to plunge it into his own chest, but he first tried the tip and found that "it hurt". He decided to slit his own throat, when he heard a sound of horses' hooves from the outside. But his hand was shaking, and it was his secretary, Epaphroditus, who guided it towards his carotid.


  1. ^ zoccolo in Luciano Canepari, Dizionario di Pronuncia Italiana (DiPI)

Further reading

  • zoccolio in Treccani.it – Vocabolario Treccani on line, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana