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From znovu +‎ nastolit.





znovunastolit pf

  1. to restore
    znovunastolit důvěruto restore confidence


Conjugation of znovunastolit
infinitive znovunastolit, znovunastoliti active adjective znovunastolivší
verbal noun znovunastolení passive adjective znovunastolený
present forms indicative imperative
singular plural singular plural
1st person znovunastolím znovunastolíme znovunastolme
2nd person znovunastolíš znovunastolíte znovunastol znovunastolte
3rd person znovunastolí znovunastolí

The verb znovunastolit does not have present tense and the present forms are used to express future only.

participles past participles passive participles
singular plural singular plural
masculine animate znovunastolil znovunastolili znovunastolen znovunastoleni
masculine inanimate znovunastolily znovunastoleny
feminine znovunastolila znovunastolena
neuter znovunastolilo znovunastolila znovunastoleno znovunastolena
transgressives present past
masculine singular znovunastoliv
feminine + neuter singular znovunastolivši
plural znovunastolivše

Further reading

  • znovunastoliti”, in Kartotéka Novočeského lexikálního archivu (in Czech)