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From z- +‎ grešīti.





zgrešīti pf (imperfective zgreševáti)

  1. (transitive) to miss (to not to hit when throwing, shooting)
  2. (transitive) to miss (to not to see, not to notice when moving, searching)
  3. (transitive) to miss (to not to achieve the desired, expected result)
    • 2010, Immanuel Kant, Predkritièni spisi[1], Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, →ISBN, pages 158-159:
      V tej vrsti mišljenja se lahko pogosto zgodi, da so smotri zakonov, ki si jih zamišljamo, nepravilni, in tedaj se tej zmoti pridruži še škoda, ker smo zgrešili učinkujoče vzroke in se neposredno držali nekega namena, ki je zgolj namišljen.
      In this kind of thinking, it can often happen that the purposes of the laws we imagine are incorrect, and then this error is compounded by the pity of having missed the efficient causes and of having directly adhered to some purpose that is merely imaginary.
  4. (intransitive, expressive) to err (to make a mistake)


-iti -im (AP c)
infinitive zgrešīti
1st singular zgreším
infinitive zgrešīti zgrešȋt
supine zgrešȋt
verbal noun
participle converb
past zgrešȅn
l-participle masculine feminine neuter
singular zgrešȋł zgrešíla zgrešȋlo
dual zgrešȋla zgrešȋli zgrešȋli
plural zgrešȋli zgrešȋle zgrešȋla
present imperative
1st singular zgreším
2nd singular zgrešíš zgrẹ́ši
3rd singular zgreší
1st dual zgrešíva zgrešȋva
2nd dual zgrešíta zgrešȋta
3rd dual zgrešíta
1st plural zgrešímo zgrešȋmo
2nd plural zgrešíte zgrešȋte
3rd plural zgrešíjo

Further reading
