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From zems (low) +‎ -ums.


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zemums m (1st declension)

  1. lowness; low height (the quality of that which is low)
    griestu zemumsthe lowness, low height of the ceiling
    pa durvīm, viņu zemuma dēļ stipri pieliekdamies, ienāca pusmūža vīrsa middle-aged man came in, leaning forward at the door because of its (= door's) low height
  2. low area, lower than its surroundings
    aiz gravas zemums' mazliet paaugstinās, un vietām sākas tīrumibehind the low area of the ravine, it (= ground) rises a little, and in some places the fields begin
    sirds krūtīs, līdzīgi zirga pakaviem pļavas zemumā, sitās dobji un smagithe heart, like a horseshoe in the meadows of the low areas, beat hollow and heavy
  3. (of sounds, voices) lowness
    balss zemumsthe lowness of the voice



