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From zee (sea) +‎ slang (snake).


  • IPA(key): /ˈzeː.slɑŋ/
  • Audio:(file)
  • Hyphenation: zee‧slang



zeeslang f (plural zeeslangen, diminutive zeeslangetje n)

  1. a sea snake or sea krait, a marine snake of the subfamily Elapinae [from 16th c.]
  2. a sea serpent, a giant sea monster resembling a snake
  3. (chess) a very long chess game [from 19th c.]
    • 1875, A. v. d. Linde, De Schaakwerld, vol. 1, publ. by M. S. van Tussenbroek, 262-263.
      Niet om onzen tijd met de oplossing te verbeuzelen, maar om den lezer ineens van zulke misgeboorten van den wansmaak afteschrikken, breng ik hem twee zulke zeeslangen van het bezige nietsdoen onder de aandacht.
      Not to fritter away our time with the solution, but to spontaneously deter the reader from such miscarriages of poor taste, I bring two such monstrously long-winded games of busily doing nothing to his attention.