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zåmm- +‎ fressn


  • IPA(key): /ˈd̥sɔmˌfresːn̩/
  • IPA(key): /ˈd̥sɒ̃mˌfresːn̩/ (East Central, Vienna)



zåmmfressn (past participle zåmmgfressn)

  1. (transitive, of a person, derogatory or humorous) to eat up (consume completely)
    Nå servas, håbts es ois zåmmgfressn?Blimey, you ate it all up?
  2. (transitive, of a person, derogatory or humorous) to eat in large quantities
    I påck's ned, wås de heit wieder zåmmfressn.I can't believe how much they're eating again today.


Conjugation of zåmmfressn
infinitive zåmmfressn
past participle zåmmgfressn
present past subjunctive
1st person singular friss zåmm fressad zåmm
2nd person singular frisst zåmm fressadst zåmm
3rd person singular frisst zåmm fressad zåmm
1st person plural fressn zåmm fressadn zåmm
2nd person plural fressts zåmm fressats zåmm
3rd person plural fressn zåmm fressadn zåmm
singular friss zåmm
plural fressts zåmm
Subordinate-clause forms of zåmmfressn
present past subjunctive
1st person singular zåmmfriss zåmmfressn dad
2nd person singular zåmmfrisst zåmmfressn dadadst
3rd person singular zåmmfrisst zåmmfressn dad
1st person plural zåmmfressn zåmmfressn dadan
2nd person plural zåmmfressts zåmmfressn dadats
3rd person plural zåmmfressn zåmmfressn dadan

