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yi- (thematic) + -oo- (combining form of an unidentified yi- prefix) + ∅- (3rd person subject prefix) + -∅- (classifier)-nééh (imperfective stem of root -NAH, “to forget”).

This verb appears to have two yi- prefixes of unidentified origin, contracting as yi-1 + yi-2 = yoo-. That there are actually two yi- prefixes is more clearly visible in the future:

yi-1 + di-FUT + yi-2 + ee-FUT + sh-1sg + -nah = yidiyeeshnah.




  1. he/she forgot about it [with baa]



Paradigm: Conclusive (∅/si), with some irregularities.

imperfective singular duoplural plural
1st person yooshnééh yooʼnééh dayooʼnééh
2nd person yoonééh yoohnééh dayoohnééh
3rd person yoonééh dayoonééh
4th person jiyoonééh dajiyoonééh
perfective singular duoplural plural
1st person yisénah yisiiʼnah deisiiʼnah
2nd person yisínínah yisoonah deisoonah
3rd person yooznah dayooznah
4th person jiyooznah dajiyooznah
usitative singular duoplural plural
1st person yooshnah yooʼnah dayooʼnah
2nd person yoonah yoohnah dayoohnah
3rd person yoonah dayoonah
4th person jiyoonah dajiyoonah
optative singular duoplural plural
1st person yooshnééh yooʼnééh dayooʼnééh
2nd person yóónééh yoohnééh dayoohnééh
3rd person yoonééh dayoonééh
4th person jiyoonééh dajiyoonééh