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From ym- +‎ gwrthod.



ymwrthod (first-person singular present ymwrthodaf)

  1. (intransitive) to abstain
  2. (transitive) to forsake, to renounce


Conjugation (literary)
singular plural impersonal
first second third first second third
present indicative/future ymwrthodaf ymwrthodi ymwrthoda ymwrthodwn ymwrthodwch ymwrthodant ymwrthodir
imperfect (indicative/subjunctive)/
ymwrthodwn ymwrthodit ymwrthodai ymwrthodem ymwrthodech ymwrthodent ymwrthodid
preterite ymwrthodais ymwrthodaist ymwrthododd ymwrthodasom ymwrthodasoch ymwrthodasant ymwrthodwyd
pluperfect ymwrthodaswn ymwrthodasit ymwrthodasai ymwrthodasem ymwrthodasech ymwrthodasent ymwrthodasid, ymwrthodesid
present subjunctive ymwrthodwyf ymwrthodych ymwrthodo ymwrthodom ymwrthodoch ymwrthodont ymwrthoder
imperative ymwrthoda ymwrthoded ymwrthodwn ymwrthodwch ymwrthodent ymwrthoder
verbal noun ymwrthod
verbal adjectives ymwrthodedig
Conjugation (colloquial)
colloquial forms
singular plural
first second third first second third
future ymwrthoda i,
ymwrthodaf i
ymwrthodi di ymwrthodith o/e/hi,
ymwrthodiff e/hi
ymwrthodwn ni ymwrthodwch chi ymwrthodan nhw
conditional ymwrthodwn i,
ymwrthodswn i
ymwrthodet ti,
ymwrthodset ti
ymwrthodai fo/fe/hi,
ymwrthodsai fo/fe/hi
ymwrthoden ni,
ymwrthodsen ni
ymwrthodech chi,
ymwrthodsech chi
ymwrthoden nhw,
ymwrthodsen nhw
preterite ymwrthodais i,
ymwrthodes i
ymwrthodaist ti,
ymwrthodest ti
ymwrthododd o/e/hi ymwrthodon ni ymwrthodoch chi ymwrthodon nhw
imperative ymwrthoda ymwrthodwch

Derived terms

  • ymwrthodiad (abstinence; renunciation, forsaking)


Mutated forms of ymwrthod
radical soft nasal h-prothesis
ymwrthod unchanged unchanged hymwrthod

Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Welsh.
All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.