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From ym- (self-) +‎ trechu (to defeat, to overcome).



ymdrechu (first-person singular present ymdrechaf)

  1. to endeavour, to strive


Conjugation (literary)
singular plural impersonal
first second third first second third
present indicative/future ymdrechaf ymdrechi ymdrecha ymdrechwn ymdrechwch ymdrechant ymdrechir
imperfect (indicative/subjunctive)/
ymdrechwn ymdrechit ymdrechai ymdrechem ymdrechech ymdrechent ymdrechid
preterite ymdrechais ymdrechaist ymdrechodd ymdrechasom ymdrechasoch ymdrechasant ymdrechwyd
pluperfect ymdrechaswn ymdrechasit ymdrechasai ymdrechasem ymdrechasech ymdrechasent ymdrechasid, ymdrechesid
present subjunctive ymdrechwyf ymdrechych ymdrecho ymdrechom ymdrechoch ymdrechont ymdrecher
imperative ymdrecha ymdreched ymdrechwn ymdrechwch ymdrechent ymdrecher
verbal noun ymdrechu
verbal adjectives ymdrechedig
Conjugation (colloquial)
colloquial forms
singular plural
first second third first second third
future ymdrecha i,
ymdrechaf i
ymdrechi di ymdrechith o/e/hi,
ymdrechiff e/hi
ymdrechwn ni ymdrechwch chi ymdrechan nhw
conditional ymdrechwn i,
ymdrechswn i
ymdrechet ti,
ymdrechset ti
ymdrechai fo/fe/hi,
ymdrechsai fo/fe/hi
ymdrechen ni,
ymdrechsen ni
ymdrechech chi,
ymdrechsech chi
ymdrechen nhw,
ymdrechsen nhw
preterite ymdrechais i,
ymdreches i
ymdrechaist ti,
ymdrechest ti
ymdrechodd o/e/hi ymdrechon ni ymdrechoch chi ymdrechon nhw
imperative ymdrecha ymdrechwch

Derived terms

  • ymdrech (effort, attempt; endeavour, strife)
  • ymdrechiad (conation; endeavour)


Mutated forms of ymdrechu
radical soft nasal h-prothesis
ymdrechu unchanged unchanged hymdrechu

Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Welsh.
All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.

Further reading

  • R. J. Thomas, G. A. Bevan, P. J. Donovan, A. Hawke et al., editors (1950–present), “ymdrechu”, in Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru Online (in Welsh), University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh & Celtic Studies