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y- (3rd person object prefix) + -∅- (3rd person subject prefix) + -l- (classifier, reflexive)-dééh (imperfective stem of root -DEEʼ, “plural objects move”).




  1. (with ádąąh) he/she is wiping it off of himself/herself, removing it from himself/herself, clearing it off of himself/herself (sticky matter)



Paradigm: Momentaneous (∅/yi).

IMPERFECTIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person yishdééh yiildééh deiildééh
2nd person nildééh wołdééh daałdééh
3rd person yildééh deildééh
4th person jildééh dajildééh
PERFECTIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person yishdeeʼ yiildeeʼ deiildeeʼ
2nd person yíníldeeʼ woołdeeʼ daoołdeeʼ
3rd person yooldeeʼ dayooldeeʼ
4th person jooldeeʼ dajooldeeʼ
FUTURE singular duoplural plural
1st person deeshdah diildah dadiildah
2nd person dííldah doołdah dadoołdah
3rd person yidooldah deidooldah
4th person jidooldah dazhdooldah

Verbal stems

  • ITERATIVE: -dah
  • OPTATIVE: -dééh