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y- (3rd person object prefix) + ∅- (3rd person subject prefix) + -d- (classifier)-dlą́ (durative imperfective stem of root -DLĄ́Ą́ʼ, “to drink”).




  1. he/she is drinking it

Usage notes


This verb is also used for eating foods that are mostly liquid, like soup.



Paradigm: Durative (∅/yi).

IMPERFECTIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person yishdlą́ yiidlą́ deiidlą́
2nd person nidlą́ wohdlą́ daahdlą́
3rd person yidlą́ deidlą́
4th person jidlą́ dajidlą́
PERFECTIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person yishdlą́ą́ʼ yiidlą́ą́ʼ deiidlą́ą́ʼ
2nd person yínídlą́ą́ʼ woohdlą́ą́ʼ daoohdlą́ą́ʼ
3rd person yoodlą́ą́ʼ dayoodlą́ą́ʼ
4th person joodlą́ą́ʼ dajoodlą́ą́ʼ
FUTURE singular duoplural plural
1st person deeshdlį́į́ł diidlį́į́ł dadiidlį́į́ł
2nd person díídlį́į́ł doohdlį́į́ł dadoohdlį́į́ł
3rd person yidoodlį́į́ł deidoodlį́į́ł
4th person jidoodlį́į́ł dazhdoodlį́į́ł

Verbal stems

  • PERFECTIVE: -dlą́ą́ʼ
  • FUTURE: -dlį́į́ł
  • ITERATIVE: -dlį́į́h
  • OPTATIVE: -dlą́ą́ʼ

See also
