[edit]b- (thematic) + -ba- (“use up, exhaust”) + -di- (thematic)
- ∅- (classifier) + -ghááh (imperfective stem of root -YÁ, “to go — 1 actor”)
- ∅- (classifier) + -ʼaash (imperfective stem of root -ʼÁÁZH, “to go — 2 actors”)
- d- (classifier) + -kááh (imperfective stem of root -KAI, “to go — 3 actors”)
- to go through it, use it all up, use every last bit of it, exhaust it, finish it (for example, money, a quantity of food)
- to go through it (an ordeal or challenge)
[edit]Paradigm: Momentaneous (∅/yi), with some irregularities.
IMPERFECTIVE | singular | duoplural | plural |
1st person | bibadooshááh | bibadiitʼaash | bibadookááh |
2nd person | bibadoónááh | bibadoohʼaash | bibadoohkááh |
3rd person | yibadooghááh | yibadiʼaash | yibadookááh |
4th person | bibazhdooghááh | bibazhdiʼaash | bibazhdookááh |
PERFECTIVE | singular | duoplural | plural |
1st person | bibadéyá | bibadeetʼáázh | bibadeekai |
2nd person | bibadíníyá | bibadisooʼáázh | bibadisoohkai |
3rd person | yibadooyá | yibazdoozhʼáázh | yibadooskai |
4th person | bibazhdooyá | bibazdoozhʼáázh | bibazdooskai |
FUTURE | singular | duoplural | plural |
1st person | bibadideeshááł | bibadidiitʼash | bibadidiikah |
2nd person | bibadidíínááł | bibadidoohʼash | bibadidoohkah |
3rd person | yibadidoogááł | yibadidooʼash | yibadidookah |
4th person | bibadizhdoogááł | bibadizhdooʼash | bibadizhdookah |
ITERATIVE | singular | duoplural | plural |
1st person | bibańdíshdááh | bibańdiitʼash | bibańdiikah |
2nd person | bibańdídááh | bibańdóhʼash | bibańdóhkah |
3rd person | yibańdídááh | yibańdíʼash | yibańdíkah |
4th person | bibanízhdídááh | bibanízhdíʼash | bibanízhdíkah |
OPTATIVE | singular | duoplural | plural |
1st person | bibadóshaʼ | bibadootʼaash | bibadookááh |
2nd person | bibadóóyaʼ | bibadoohʼaash | bibadoohkááh |
3rd person | yibadóyaʼ | yibadóʼaash | yibadókááh |
4th person | bibazhdóyaʼ | bibazhdóʼaash | bibazhdókááh |
- Navajo terms prefixed with b- (thematic)
- Navajo terms prefixed with ba- (postpositional)
- Navajo terms prefixed with di- (thematic)
- Navajo terms prefixed with ∅- (classifier)
- Navajo terms belonging to the root -YÁ (go)
- Navajo terms belonging to the root -ʼÁÁZH (go)
- Navajo terms prefixed with d- (classifier)
- Navajo terms belonging to the root -KAI (go)
- Navajo lemmas
- Navajo verbs
- Navajo irregular verbs
- Navajo verbs in the momentaneous (∅/yi) aspect