[edit]xraf (imperfect jixraf)
- to lose freshness (vegetables, meat, etc.)
- to harden (usually meat)
- Il-laħam xraf u ma nistax inqattgħu b’din is-sikkina.
- The meat hardened and I cannot cut it with this knife.
- to get old
- Issa xraft u saqajja m’għadhomx ituni.
- I got old now and my feet are not strong any more.
- to become unkind, heavy-handed, cruel
- Kemm xraf il-gvern wara r-riċessjoni. Ara x’miżuri t’awsterità ħorox implimenta!
- The government has become so heavy-handed after the recession. Look at what harsh austerity measures it has implemented!
- to develop a thick skin
- L-ibbuljar ġegħelni nixraf għax kieku ma kontx inkampa f’dik l-iskola.
- Bullying forced me to develop a thick skin because otherwise I would not have survived at that school.