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Classical Nahuatl




From xihuitl (turquoise) +‎ tōtōtl (bird).


  • IPA(key): /ʃiwtoːtoːtɬ/
  • IPA(key): [ʃiʍˈtóːtoːt͡ɬ]




  1. a lovely cotinga
    • 16th century, Bernardino de Sahagún, "Florentine Codex", book 11, chapter 2, paragraph 1:
      Xiuhtototl: [...] iuhquj, ixqujch in tzanatl. tenvitztic, tentliltic: in jielpan aiopaltic
      (Lovely cotinga: [...] It is like all the slender-billed grackles. The bill is pointed, black. Its breast is purple, [etc.])
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • 17th century, Pedro Calderón de la Barca (Spanish), Bartolomé de Alva (Nahuatl translation), El Gran Teatro del Mundo, f. 2r.:
      Motech patlantinemi yn Xiuhtototl, yn tzinytzcan, yn tlauhquechol yn Zaquan.
      (The blue cotinga, the trogon, the roseate spoonbill, and the troupial fly around on you [sc. the earth].)
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  2. a lovely cotinga feather
    • 16th century, Bernardino de Sahagún, "Florentine Codex", book 1, chapter 19:
      in nepapan ihujtl, in quetzalli, in tzinjtzcan, in tlauhquechol, xiuhtototl, in toztli, çaqua: quauhtli
      (all manner of feathers: the long tail feathers of the resplendent trogon, its red breast feathers, those of the roseate spoonbill, the lovely cotinga, the yellow headed parrot the troupial, the eagle)
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • circa 1609 Tezozomoc, Chimalpahin, Crónica mexicayotl, f. 24r:
      auh yn nepapan yhuitl yhuan amechmacazq̃. yn xiuhtototl yn tlauhquechol yn tzinitzca.
      (And they will also give you the various kinds of feathers—cotinga, spoonbill, trogon)
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)

Derived terms



  • Andrews, J. Richard (2003) Workbook for Introduction to Classical Nahuatl, rev. ed. edition, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, page 264
  • Chimalpahin Quauhtlehuanitzin, Domingo Francisco de San Antón Muñón (1997) Arthur J. O. Anderson, Susan Schroeder, transl., Codex Chimalpahin, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, pages 74–75
  • Sahagún, Bernardino de (1981) Arthur J. O. Anderson, Charles E. Dibble, transl., Florentine Codex, 2nd ed., rev. edition, Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, page part II, p. 42; part XII, p. 21
  • Sell, Barry D. with Louise M. Burkhart and Elizabeth R. Wright (eds. and trans.) (2008) Nahuatl Theater, Volume 3: Spanish Golden Age Drama in Mexican Translation, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, page 59