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weazon (plural weazons)

  1. Obsolete spelling of weasand.
    • 1646, Thomas Browne, “Of the Wish of Philoxenus [of Leucas]”, in Pseudodoxia Epidemica: [], London: [] T[homas] H[arper] for Edward Dod, [], →OCLC, 7th book, page 368:
      [A]lthough the vveazon, throtle and tongue [of birds] be the inſtruments of voice, and by their agitations doe chiefly concurre unto theſe delightfull modulations, yet cannot vve aſſigne the cauſe unto any particular formation; []
    • 1650, Thomas Browne, Pseudodoxia Epidemica: [], 2nd edition, London: [] A[braham] Miller, for Edw[ard] Dod and Nath[aniel] Ekins, [], →OCLC:
      For at the Throat there are tvvo cavities or conducting parts: the one the Oeſophagus or Gullet, ſeated next the ſpine, a part official unto nutrition, and vvhereby the aliment both vvet and dry is conveied unto the ſtomack; the other (by vvhich tis conceived the Drink doth paſs) is the vveazon, rough artery, or vvind-pipe, a part inſervient to voice and reſpiration; for thereby the air deſcendeth into the lungs, and is communicated unto the heart []