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From Arabic وَزِير (wazīr).





ważir m (plural wożra)

  1. (historical) minister in Muslim countries
    • 1961, Bonaventura, P., “Iż-Żarbun tal-Ważir”, in Leħen l-Art Imqaddsa, number 4, Valletta: Kummissarjat Tal-Qabar Ta’ Kristu F’Malta:
      Loqman, malli wasal quddiem is-sultan, sellimlu. Is-sultan qegħdu bil-qegħda ħdejh u qallu: “Ara, jien smajt bik u bil-għerf u t-tieba tiegħek, għalhekk sa naħtarek, minn issa, bħala ważir tiegħi, u nagħtik is-setgħa fuq l-artijiet tiegħi kollha. []
      When Loqman arrived before the sultan, he greeted him. The sultan placed Loqman near him and told him: “Look, I have heard of you and of your knowledge and virtue, that's why I will choose you to be my minister from now on, and I will give you authority over all my lands. []