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Likely from virrig (confused).



virra (present virrar, preterite virrade, supine virrat, imperative virra)

  1. to act in a confused manner
    Han vet inte vad han snackar om i sin insändare. Han virrar.
    He doesn't know what he's talking about in his letter to the editor. He's being confused.
  2. (with omkring) to move from place to place in a confused manner
    Efter att ha virrat omkring i en timme hittade de äntligen det berömda kebabstället
    After an hour of lost wandering about, they finally found the famous kebab place
  3. (with till) to mess up or make confusing through being confused
    Jag råkade virra till slutet av talet genom att blanda ihop Tyskland och Frankrike
    I made a confused mess of the end of the speech by mixing up Germany and France


Conjugation of virra (weak)
active passive
infinitive virra virras
supine virrat virrats
imperative virra
imper. plural1 virren
present past present past
indicative virrar virrade virras virrades
ind. plural1 virra virrade virras virrades
subjunctive2 virre virrade virres virrades
present participle virrande
past participle

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.

