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 vingrotājs on Latvian Wikipedia



From vingrot (to exercise, to do gymnastics) +‎ -ājs.


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vingrotājs m (1st declension, feminine form: vingrotāja)

  1. (male) gymnast (a man who performs gymnastics; a gymnastics athlete)
    vecākie brāļi Jānis un Ēriks bija labi sportisti: vingrotāji un bokserithe older brothers Jānis and Ēriks were good athletes: gymnasts and boxers
    ļoti liela gadu starpība starp vingrotājiem un vingrotājām... Kāpēc? To nosaka šī sporta veida specifika... sievietēm šeit galvenais ir kustīgums, vīiriem - spēksthere is a big age difference between male gymnasts and female gymnasts... Why? This is determined by the (very) nature of this sprot... to women the most important in it is movement, to men - strength

