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From vesels (healthy, whole) +‎ -ums.



veselums m (1st declension)

  1. (also vesels, veselais) whole, wholeness (a system seen in its entirety)
    nacionālā prizma formē mākslas darbu kā vienotu veselumu, atklājoties gan tā saturā, gan formāthe national prism forms the work of art as a unified (= coherent) whole, revealing itself both in its content and in (its) form
    mana ticība ir mazāk ārējo rituālu; tas vairāk ir pasaules uzskats, kas visu pasauli savieno tādā ļoti saprotamā veselumāmy faith is not so much an external ritual; rather, it is a worldview that connects the whole world in a comprehensible whole
  2. health, wholeness (the quality of one who is healthy, has (good) health)
    Vija pēc kritiena uzmanīgi ceļas, it kā pārbaudīdama savu locekļu veselumuVija after the fall rose carefully, as if testing the health, wholeness of her limbs
  3. wholeness, entirety, integrity (the quality of that which is whole, not broken, not divided)
    es jutu akmens veselumu; tas stāvēja liels un stirps lauka malāI felt the wholeness, integrity of the rock; it stood large and strong at the edge of the field


Declension of veselums (1st declension)
singular plural
nominative veselums
genitive veseluma
dative veselumam
accusative veselumu
instrumental veselumu
locative veselumā
vocative veselum