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veivi +‎ lista, from the idiomatic expression heittää veivinsä (to kick the bucket; to die)


  • IPA(key): /ˈʋei̯ʋiˌlistɑ/, [ˈʋe̞i̯ʋiˌlis̠tɑ̝]
  • Rhymes: -istɑ
  • Hyphenation(key): veivi‧lista



veivilista (slang, rare)

  1. bucket list (list of things to do before the death)


Inflection of veivilista (Kotus type 9/kala, no gradation)
nominative veivilista veivilistat
genitive veivilistan veivilistojen
partitive veivilistaa veivilistoja
illative veivilistaan veivilistoihin
singular plural
nominative veivilista veivilistat
accusative nom. veivilista veivilistat
gen. veivilistan
genitive veivilistan veivilistojen
veivilistain rare
partitive veivilistaa veivilistoja
inessive veivilistassa veivilistoissa
elative veivilistasta veivilistoista
illative veivilistaan veivilistoihin
adessive veivilistalla veivilistoilla
ablative veivilistalta veivilistoilta
allative veivilistalle veivilistoille
essive veivilistana veivilistoina
translative veivilistaksi veivilistoiksi
abessive veivilistatta veivilistoitta
instructive veivilistoin
comitative See the possessive forms below.
Possessive forms of veivilista (Kotus type 9/kala, no gradation)