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veder- +‎ böra



vederböra (present vederbör, preterite vederborde, supine vederbort, imperative vederbör)

  1. to concern (a person), to require (some attention)
    till den det vederbör
    to the concerned person
    ej så grannlaga, som vederborde
    not as careful as required
    en länge vederbord och med dessa rader långt ifrån afbördad gärd af historisk rättvisa och mänsklig hedersbevisning
    a long-required and with these lines far from completed act of historic justice and human distinction


Conjugation of vederböra (weak)
active passive
infinitive vederböra
supine vederbort
imperative vederbör
imper. plural1 vederbören
present past present past
indicative vederbör vederborde
ind. plural1 vederböra vederborde
subjunctive2 vederböre vederborde
present participle vederbörande
past participle vederbord

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.

Derived terms


Further reading
