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Borrowed from German wickeln, from Middle High German wickeln, from wickel, likely variant of wickelīn, from Old High German wichili, from wicha (wick). Cognate of Danish vikle.


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veckla (present vecklar, preterite vecklade, supine vecklat, imperative veckla)

  1. (usually with a particle) to fold
    veckla upp en karta
    unfold a map
    veckla ihop en karta
    fold a map
    Fallskärmen vecklade ut sig
    The parachute opened (unfolded itself)

Usage notes


Bit more loose- and unwieldy-sounding compared to vika. "Crease"/"uncrease" might provide intuition.


Conjugation of veckla (weak)
active passive
infinitive veckla vecklas
supine vecklat vecklats
imperative veckla
imper. plural1 vecklen
present past present past
indicative vecklar vecklade vecklas vecklades
ind. plural1 veckla vecklade vecklas vecklades
subjunctive2 veckle vecklade veckles vecklades
present participle vecklande
past participle vecklad

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.

Derived terms


See also


