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Alternative forms




From Old Galician-Portuguese vassalagẽ (13th century), from Old French vasselage.





vasalaxe f (plural vasalaxes)

  1. vassalage
    • 1264, E. Portela Silva, editor, La región del obispado de Tuy en los siglos XII a XV. Una sociedad en expansión y en la crisis, Santiago: Tip. El Eco Franciscano, page 364:
      o dicto Iohanne vidal devea de morar per sy ou per outren. e fazer foro como outros couteiros. e se alguu dasua geerazon ou ele foren morar avila de foro sempre deven fazer vasalagen o moesteiro doya
      said Johan Vidal must dwell in it, or provide someone to dwell in it, and must made a contract as other dwellers; and if someone of his progenies or himself went to live in town, under contract, they must always made vassalage to the monastery of Oia
    • 1421, Manuel Lucas Álvarez, editor, El priorato benedictino de San Vicenzo de Pombeiro, page 163:
      os ditos reos quebrantaron as condiçõẽs do dito foro e foran contra o dito moesteiro e priores del, por ende que avian perdido o dito couto e herdades; e non se escusauan da dita vasalajẽẽ e seruentia por dizer que eran fidalgos, pois que se obligaron a elo
      said defendants broke the condition of said contract and acted against said monastery and priors, and so they had lost said fief and properties; and they were not exempt of said vassalage and ought services saying that they were noblemen, because previously they had obliged themselves to it
    • 1822, anonymous author, A Parola Polêteca:
      A Constetucion é a mellor ley que podemos desear. Somos libres pois que non reconocemos basallaxê. Temos goberno moy bó, unas Cortes que en nome do pobo poden tanto como Rey, po lo que é craro que nos mandamos tanto como o Rey.
      The Constitution is the best law we can look forward to. We are free because we don't acknowledge vassalage. We have quite a good government; a parliament that, in the name of the people, is as powerful as the King; and so it is evident that we are as powerful as the King.

