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Alternative forms






utrinque (not comparable)

  1. Phonetic spelling of utrimque reflecting assimilation.
    • 1611, Johannes Kepler, Strena seu de nive sexangula 1:
      Nam si errantes in eodem plano horizontali globulos aequales coegeris in angustum, ut se mutuo contingant; aut triangulari forma coeunt, aut quadrangulari; ibi sex unum circumstant, hic quatuor; utrinque eadem est ratio contactus per omnes globulos, demtis extremis.
      If you drive tightly together equal globules in the same horizontal plane, so that they touch each other, they come together either in a triangular or quadrangular shape: there six surround one, here four; on every side there is the same pattern of contact between all the globules, except the outermost.