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ūranographia f (genitive ūranographiae); first declension

  1. uranography, celestial cartography
    • 1690, Johannes Hevelius, Firmamentum Sobiescianum, sive Uranographia, page 2:
      Haec autem nostra Uranographia, sive Firmamentum Sobiescianum, ad ductum Astronomiae Prodromi nostri, et normam Fixarum Catalogi in eo exhibiti, est delineata, eum in finem, ut Globum Coelestem trium vel quatuor Pedum, quoad radium in plano descriptum, repraesentet.
      However, this, our Celestial Cartography, or the Firmament of Sobieski, is delineated for leading to our Introductory Course on Astronomy and to the standard of the fixed star catalog within it, so that a Celestial Globe of three or four feet in radius might be represented.



First-declension noun.

Case Singular Plural
Nominative ūranographia ūranographiae
Genitive ūranographiae ūranographiārum
Dative ūranographiae ūranographiīs
Accusative ūranographiam ūranographiās
Ablative ūranographiā ūranographiīs
Vocative ūranographia ūranographiae