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Alternative forms




Epithesis conditioned by univerbation of un pic.





unpica (colloquial, nonstandard)

  1. Paragogic form of un pic (a little)
    • 2003, Daniel Vighi, Lumea la 1848[1], Cluj: Dacia, →ISBN, page 8:
      Da, da, da, da…şi, ia stai un pica, şi fizica, era vîrful ştiinței, adică modelul cel mai cel al ştiințificității?
      Yes, yes, yes, yes… and, wait a little, and physics, it was the pinnacle of science, that is, the very model of scientificity?
    • [2006 December 27, Andreas1, Softpedia forums[2], archived from the original on 2013/04/08:
      Altii mai folosesc si "unpica" sau "umpica".
      Others also use unpica or umpica.]
    • 2011 August 30, mario98, Freakz forums[3], archived from the original on 2023/01/18:
      scuze dar is unpica mai noob de felu meu :)
      sorry but I’m a bit of a noob :)