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From un- +‎ paranoid.



unparanoid (comparative more unparanoid, superlative most unparanoid)

  1. Not paranoid.
    • 1974, Samuel John Hazo, Quartered:
      Behind the plaque a brass and jaunty Joyce re-juggles book, stick and cigarette, defiantly dandy, unparanoid at last beneath his canopy of ferns.
    • 1982, Kathy Acker, Great Expectations:
      I wish I could run into your chest and climb on your arms three hours a week and no more. Remember what we do together when I'm unparanoid enough to see you...
    • 2002, Sabrina P Ramet, Balkan Babel:
      ...we are left with the question as to why an unparanoid person would expostulate paranoid theses.