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underraͤttad (not comparable)

  1. obsolete typography of underrättad (informed, advised).
    • 1847 November 10, S., “Om Choleran [Concerning Cholera]”, in Wermlandstidningen, page 2:
      Om peſtaͤmnetsnatur aͤr man icke ſå noga underraͤttad, men ſå mycket wet man att det, jemte beroͤringsſmittan, har ett fint effluvium, som på ganska naͤra håll ſmittar aͤfwen utan omedelbart widroͤrande; []
      "In regard to the nature of the pestilence, one is not so precisely informed, but it is known that, along with contact contagion, it possesses a subtle effluvium, which transmits even without immediate contact, especially at quite close range; [] "