See also: Ulme
[edit]Ultimately from Old Norse ylr. Cognate with Danish olm.
[edit]ulme (imperative ulm, infinitive at ulme, present tense ulmer, past tense ulmede, perfect tense ulmet)
- to smolder, burn without flames (often under a covering or inside a mass).
- Coordinate terms: gløde, gnistre, Teknikerne mener, at branden har ulmet i nogle timer og derefter langsomt arbejdet sig vej gennem huset .
- The technicians believe that the fire smoldered for a few hours and then slowly worked its way through the house.
- (figurative) something that simmers, develops, (something that gives rise to uncertainty or anxiety, and which may develop).
- Et bredt folkeligt oprør ulmer under daglige demonstrationer og optøjer.
- A broad popular uprising is simmering amid daily demonstrations and riots.
- Coordinate terms: gløde, gnistre,
[edit]- “ulme” in Den Danske Ordbog
Middle English
- Alternative form of elm