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Blend of turd +‎ toddler.


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turdler (plural turdlers)

  1. (ethnic slur, offensive, Internet slang) A black infant or child.
    • 2010 August 3, Ex-Obama Voter!, “Colt 45 Swillin Sow Injures Niglet In Car Crash”, in alt.culture.alaska[1] (Usenet):
      Police said a Colt 45 swilling nigger sow was driving drunk Saturday with three turdlers as passengers when she crashed, injuring one of the shitlets.
    • 2017 March 30, Rick Mathers, “The turdler carcass was described as naked and emaciated”, in comp.os.linux.advocacy[2] (Usenet):
      A shebeast, Jedayah Nesmith, 22, described as the caretaker of a 2-year-old turdler, has been charged after the turdler was found dead in the West Oak Lane section of Philadelphia.
    • 2021 May 25, SynCity, “Raycizzums Hurts Your Turdler”, in alt.politics[3] (Usenet):
      San Diego woketurd politicians have just spent the taxpayers hard earned money,
      on billboards crying about the white debbil's raycizzums hurting black babies.

See also
