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Old Tupi


Alternative forms




Unknown, but Eduardo de Almeida Navarro suggests Tupi +‎ ekyî +‎ -a.


  • IPA(key): [tu.pĩ.niˈkĩ]
  • Rhymes:
  • Hyphenation: tu‧pi‧ni‧kĩ



tupinikĩ (unpossessable)

  1. Tupiniquim
    • c. 1585, Joseph of Anchieta, “[Na Aldeia de Guaraparim] [In the Village of Guaraparim]” (chapter LXIV), in [livrinho de variaſ poeziaſ] [Booklet of various poems], Guarapari, page 156v, column 1, lines 727–731; republished as Maria de Lourdes de Paula Martins, compiler, Poesias, São Paulo, 1956, page 297:
      Tacejane moxirõ / taçone paratijpe / Tupinaquija reigpe / amo amo taijbõ
      Xete cori reritipe
      [— T'aseîáne moxy rõ. / T'asóne parati'ype / tupinakyîa re'yîpe / amõamõ t'aîybõ.
      — Xete kori Reritype.]
      — I shall leave the evil one at least. I will go to the Parati river, to the Tupiniquim band, to hit some of them with arrows.
      — Unlike you, today I go to Rerytiba.
    • 16th century, Joseph of Anchieta, chapter XXXI, in [livrinho de variaſ poeziaſ] [Booklet of various poems], page 31, column 1, lines 1–8; republished as Maria de Lourdes de Paula Martins, compiler, Poesias, São Paulo, 1956, page 70:
      Xeparatij çui
      aiu tupãci repiaca
      Cori catu xe ibija
      Jporangatu rece
      çoriba xe yabe
      xeruba tupuna quija.
      [Xe Parati'y suí / aîu Tupã sy repîaka / gûinhemoîegûaîegûaka / xe rorybaûama ri. / Sorykatu xe ybỹîa / I porangatu resé / Soryb, xe îabé / xe ruba tupinakyîa.]
      From the Parati river I come to see God's mother, adorning myself for my coming happiness. Very happy is my core with Her great beauty. He's happy, like me, my Tupiniquim father.


  • Brazilian Portuguese: tupiniquim
    • English: Tupiniquim

