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From troncal +‎ -itat.





troncalitat f (uncountable)

  1. (law) a legal principle according to which the assets of a person who dies intestate and without issue revert to members of the branch of the family from which they originated
    • 1992, Immaculada Barral i Vinyals, La compra-venda amb pacte de supervivència:
      Entenem per troncalitat la regla de devolució successòria que fa retornar els béns a la branca de la qual provenen, és a dir, aquell sistema de delació legal que té en compte, a més del grau de parentiu, l'origen del bé per diferir-lo cap a successors del mateix tronc familiar.
      By troncalitat we understand the rule of successive devolution which returns assets to the branch from which they originate; that is to say, that system of legal bestowal which takes into account, more so than the degree of kinship, the origin of the asset in order to reserve it for heirs from the same branch of the family.

Further reading
